SCM Nova TI 105

Spindle Moulder

  • Tilting spindle
  • Manual rise, fall, tilt adjustment
  • Mechanical readout for shaft height

For ultimate flexibility in the workshop the SCM Nova TI 105 spindle moulder features a tilting shaft that can be set between 0 and 45 degrees. Both the height and angle of the shaft are easily set...

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Product Information

  • Features
    • Tilting spindle
    • Manual rise, fall, tilt adjustment
    • Mechanical readout for shaft height
    • Mechanical readout for shaft angle
    • Reverse spindle rotation
    • Four spindle speeds
    • Spindle speed readout by LEDs
    • Cast iron table and fence assembly
  • Description

    For ultimate flexibility in the workshop the SCM Nova TI 105 spindle moulder features a tilting shaft that can be set between 0 and 45 degrees. Both the height and angle of the shaft are easily set using the front mounted manual handwheels and corresponding mechanical digital readouts. The adjustable fence can be upgraded to also feature micrometric adjustment for quick and accurate repeat setting. All three models in the Nova spindle moulder range feature reverse rotation as standard.

    Increase the worksurface of the spindle with the “LL” profiling option including infeed and outfeed extension tables and front adjustable sash rail. For small tenoning jobs a convenient table mounted carriage can be specified, including adjustable fence and flip stops.

  • Specification
    • Tool diameter lowered under table 240 x 80 mm
    • Spindle shaft height 125 mm
    • Spindle diameter 30 mm
    • Spindle tilt 0 - 45°
    • Spindle speeds 3500/ 6000/ 8000/ 10000 rpm
    • Worktable dimension 1200 x 855 mm
    • Extraction outlet(s) 2 x 120 mm
    • Motor 5 kW (7 HP)
    • Power 3 phase
  • Literature
  • Important information

    Our suppliers have a policy of continuous product development and improvement, specifications are therefore subject to change without notice. We can accept no liability for discrepancies in specifications or illustrations contained in our publications or the publications of our suppliers.

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