Our partnership with premiere solid timber and panel processing machinery manufacturers has been developed to provide a comprehensive choice of woodworking equipment. If you are looking for timber moulding machines, spindle moulders, combination or separate planer thicknessers, we have wide range from SCM, Kuper, Sedgwick and Wadkin.
Whilst there are numerous well engineered traditional moulders on the market having proven their worth over many years they have no possibility to become an intelligent machine. Today, there are opportunities for through-feed moulding machines to be equipped with higher technology to better integrate into a modern production process. Technology within the Kuper range provides this.
Designed to meet the demands of the modern joinery workshop, the Wadkin AT thicknessers and SJR surfacers continue the tradition of heavy duty woodworking equipment for which the Wadkin name has is synonymous.
For high production work flows where set up times are critical the SCM TW 55ES spindle moulder reduces operator skill requirements while ensuring consistent results. Powered, programmable movement to the spindle height and tilt enables any job to be quickly set, saved and recalled at the touch of a button.
For more traditional spindle moulding requirements the Sedgwick SM models offer simple moulding for a range of budgets.
Adding a power feed unit to a spindle moulder will reduce operator fatigue and increase safety. The SCM Formula 38 power feed unit is one of our most popular models.
Depending on your requirements we offer both dedicated tenoning machines such as the Sedgwick TE and TESH models as well as spindle moulders with sliding table arrangements for end grain machining. We also supply serviced and rebuilt machinery that maintains the heavy duty cast iron build quality of more traditional equipment but with modern tooling and safety features. For more information take a look at our used woodworking machinery including the Wadkin EKA tenoner.