Steinhoff UK have seen a steady increase in demand for their upholstered range of furniture products. Following discussions with Daltons Wadkin investment in a Salvador optimising crosscut saw and Nimac beam saw has seen a 30% increase in workshop production.
Daryl Lewis, workshop manager at Steinhoff, commented, “We spent considerable time investigating the market to ensure we got the right equipment. A visit to a Daltons Wadkin open house proved invaluable as we were able to see the kit in operation and it quickly became clear that the Salvador and Nimac products would deliver on quality and performance.”
“…it quickly became clear that the Salvador and Nimac products would deliver on quality and performance.”
Daryl Lewis, Workshop Manager
The Salvador SuperPush 200 replaced two older style automatic crosscut saws and a manual radial arm saw, increasing productivity while giving a guaranteed cutting accuracy +/- 0.5 mm. The outfeed system for the Salvador incorporates a waste trapdoor and an automatic tilt and return collection plane that stacks and pushes the finished work pieces towards the operator for easy removal.
Steinhoff replaced one of their two existing beam saws with the ATLAS 90, the flag ship model from European manufacturers Nimac Group. Optimised cutting lists as well as the individual piece cutting is easily controlled through the intuitive software, networked for remote file uploads.
“We have been operating the machines now for the best part of a year and could not be happier.”
Explore the Salvador range of crosscut saws Explore the NIMAC range of beam saws