SCM Nova FS 410

Planer Thicknesser

  • Manual or powered table positioning
  • Two feed speeds
  • Numerical readout for table position

The SCM Nova FS 410 is a combined planer thicknesser, easy to use and ideal for joinery workshops looking for a high performance machine in a limited space. For an impeccable finish the pressure of...

Full description and features

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Product Information

  • Features
    • Manual or powered table positioning
    • Two feed speeds
    • Numerical readout for table position
    • Simultaneous lifting and locking surfacing tables
    • 1st front roller in helicoidal steel
    • Rubber-coated outfeed roller
    • Choice of HSS, TERSA or XYLENT cutterblocks
    • Optional powered table movement with digital readout
  • Description

    The SCM Nova FS 410 is a combined planer thicknesser, easy to use and ideal for joinery workshops looking for a high performance machine in a limited space. For an impeccable finish the pressure of the thicknesser feed rollers can be adjusted according to the type of wood machined. The roller infeed has a helicoidal profile to guarantee firm and constant work piece feed, while the outfeed roller in sandblasted steel maintains the perfect post-processing finishing.

    The machine offers a choice of three cutterblocks; high speed steel (HSS), “TERSA” or “Xylent”.

    A traditional HSS cutter block is supplied as standard. An optional “TERSA” cutter block can also be specified for fast knife changing with no set up required.

    For ultimate performance the optional “Xylent” spiralknife cutterblock with 3 series of knives is designed to give an exceptional finish. Reduced noise during machining provides a more comfortable working environment. It also improves the dust extraction due to the production of very small chips. Each cutter has 4 tips which can be rotated into the cutting position when worn. Therefore increasing the production life of the cutter block before knives require replacement.

  • Specification
    • Surfacing width capacity 410 mm
    • Thicknessing depth, min. - max. 3 - 240 mm
    • Surfacing table length, overall 2200 mm
    • Cutterblock diameter 95 mm
    • Cutterblock type High Speed Steel (HSS)
    • Number of knives 4
    • Feed speed(s) 6/ 12 m/min
    • Fence tilt 0 - 45°
    • Extraction outlet(s) 1 x 120 mm
    • Motor 5 kW (6.7 HP)
    • Power 3 phase
  • Literature
  • Important information

    Our suppliers have a policy of continuous product development and improvement, specifications are therefore subject to change without notice. We can accept no liability for discrepancies in specifications or illustrations contained in our publications or the publications of our suppliers.

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